Damion Lupo talks with Paul Potratz about some tips and tricks to generate more income. Learn more about focusing on knowing your numbers, and not on why things can’t work
Damion’s Favorite Quote:
“A mistake is only a failure if not admitted, that the universe gives us opportunities to grow through mistakes, it’s only when we don’t acknowledge them and embrace them and take responsibility for them that we truly lose the gift of the universe.”
Knowledge Bombs:
- Don’t focus on why things can’t work
- We’re all looking for financial freedom
- Financial freedom happens when you’re patient
- Know your numbers
- Failure is a great teacher
In This Podcast We Discuss:
- Taking something of interest and making income
- Taking action instead of just thoughts
- How to find financial freedom
- Real estate investing
- Taking over properties
- Creative transactions in real estate
- Guerrilla Marketing
- Keeping track of certain geographic areas
- Constantly being on the hot seat
- Having a financial buffer
- Keeping track of the money
- Realizing what you’re good at
- Interest rates
Damion’s Suggested Readings:
- Total Control Financial – Guide to the QRP
- The Growth Mindset is perfect for Marketing Managers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs or Aspiring Entrepreneurs
- Total Control Financial