“Facebook Live presents a great opportunity to connect with your followers and create one-on-one conversations. However, it can also be used as part of your larger marketing strategy to increase sales and generate prospects. Here to tell us how your business can utilize Facebook Live to its full capability is expert marketing strategist Paul Potratz, […]
Paid or Organic, Branding or Sales– no matter what you’re putting out there and why, there are certain platforms that serve our varying needs as business owners differently. In today’s Think Tank, I’m breaking down what platforms your business could be getting the most out of. Learn what platform you need to be on now! […]
When an individual clicks on one of your display ads but ever fills out a form, do you expect to know when they walk into your storefront? Short of taking a survey at the door, there’s never been much hope for that kind of attribution… until now. Google Analytics is rolling out updates that let […]
Last week I explained a little bit about Google’s forthcoming update– Store Visits Tracking. But this week, we’re going all in. If you’re a marketer– you’re finally going to be able to show your clients exactly what they want. & If you’re a business owner– you’re finally going to be able to hold your marketers […]
Your marketing is what’s meant to drive leads to your door, but that doesn’t mean every aspect of your marketing needs to include a pitch or sale of some sort. Sometimes— humanizing yourself or your brand is EXACTLY what your campaigns need. Not all of your content needs to relate back to a service you […]
The platforms we utilize most as advertisers are changing— some for the worst, and others for the better. That’s right… I’m talking about Google and Facebook Regardless, your campaigns need to be ready for those changes— which is why you need to watch this week’s Think Tank! I’m sharing what Facebook has altered that could […]
Digital is the way of the world– and yet so many business owners can’t figure out an alternative branding strategy to their ? TV & Radio ? advertising– it’s like the necessary evil in every quarter’s strategy. That’s why I was so surprised when my friend, Ryan Norris of Toyota of Easley, came to me […]
Think email marketing isn’t relevant anymore? You’re not alone– I’ve been getting asked that a lot recently as more modern modes of communication continue to spring up. The thing is– email marketing is still EXTREMELY RELEVANT, but it may not seem so because it’s…. 1- harder than ever to get your emails opened because consumers […]
Just because it’s not making a sales pitch or driving traffic to your site doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile. Facebook and LinkedIn are great social sites for your advertising, and Instagram is too, but think of it as the laidback member of the social media family. More focused on entertainment and lifestyle, Instagram is a […]
Facebook is looking to make it easier for brands to connect with one of their most powerful tools– Influencers! Brand Collabs Manager allows advertiser to search through lists of creators and influencers based on the demographics of their audience. Creators develop portfolios through Brand Collabs Manager that works almost as resumes– showing brands how well […]